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PROGRAM EDUCATORS: Melissa *CODE RED* Wong & Paulette *FLY* Wong
FALL 2013
#104 Chhing Tiv
*Silver Lining*
Ethnicity: Chinese
Big Sis: Jacqueline *♥string* Suarez
Lil Sis: Madison *Night Sky* Su
#105 Kelly Truong
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Big Sis: Sopheary *Sharpshooter* Chau
Lil Sis: Selena *Snakebite* Kwan
#106 Katie Zou
Ethnicity: Chinese
Big Sis: May *FAME* Chin
Lil Sis: Somontha *F. B.I.* Prum
#107 Jessica Lee
Ethnicity: Chinese
Big Sis: Ana *Andromeda* Avalos
Lil Sis: Jessica *Atria* Yu
#110 Nancy Wong
Ethnicity: Chinese
Big Sis: PhuongDuy *Zion* Tran
Lil Sis: Sandy *REIGN STORM* Leung
#108 Mary Zheng
Ethnicity: Chinese
Big Sis: Anna *Pystol* Huynh
Lil Sis: Jozxelle *Tactical* Tongson
#111 Ashley Kim
Ethnicity: Korean
Big Sis: May *FAME* Chin
Lil Sis: Michaela *NOBLE* Wong & Ellim *♥ of Gold* Kim (Epsilon Alpha Gamma)
#109 Hallie Qiu
Ethnicity: Chinese
Lil Sis: My *UNLOCKED* Pham
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